Watch the final Q-SORT Meet Your Scientist Interview with our Principal Investigator, Vincenzo Grillo.
… [Read more]Elisa Molinari
Elisa Molinari is full Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Director of ‘MaX – Materials at the exascale’, the European Center of Excellence for HPC applications in the materials domain ( … [Read more]
Super Scientists Invited to NANO Innovation2021 Forum
NanoInnovation 2021 , the most important Italian event on micro and nanotechnologies and their integration with KETs, this year featured a special event called “New Frontiers in Electron Microscopy.”
The event, held on 22 September, focused on Ultrafast Electron Microscopy … [Read more]
Q-SORT, SMARTelectron, MINEON and MaX at the Researcher’s Night 2021
We’re ready! CnrNano responds to the call from the European Commission regarding the Researchers’ Night, which this year will take place in 29 countries on Friday 24 September 2021. The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays … [Read more]
Conference on Science And Applications Of Coherent Electron Beam Manipulation
The Conference on Science And Applications Of Coherent Electron Beam Manipulation will be held online between 01 and 03 September 2021. Free registration here.
The Conference on Science And Applications Of Coherent Electron Beam Manipulation is organised jointly by the Q-SORT… [Read more]
Moumita Ghosh

Dr. Moumita Ghosh
Currently, she is working as a Research Scientist in the Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven, Netherlands. She has post-doctoral research experiences from Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht, Netherlands and Institute of Physics, University of Göttingen, … [Read more]
A new EU-funded H2020 project promises to revolutionize electron microscopy
The European Innovation Council (EIC) Pathfinder pilot, established under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, has just funded 58 “game changing” projects with the objective of transforming high-risk and high-impact research ideas into novel technologies [1]. Among … [Read more]
MINEON project held its Kick-off Meeting
On 8 June 2021 the CNR-NANO institute in Modena hosted the MINEON Kick-off Meeting for the official launch and first-ever public presentation of the MINEON Project. Funded by the European Commission under its highly competitive Future and Emerging Technologies Programme … [Read more]
Q-SORT and SMARTelectron to organize a seminar
Prof Giovanni Maria Vanacore
Date and Time:
Wednesday May 26th, 15:30 (SHARP)
Google Meet:
Prof Giovanni Maria Vanacore – University of Milano Bicocca
Ultrafast coherent manipulation of a free-electron wave function via electron-light quantum interaction… [Read more]
Q-SORT lives on through MINEON
Electron microscopy allows scientists to measure and image material properties down to the very atomic scale, bringing to fruition Feynman’s visionary idea that saw in the electron microscope the main instrument for nanoscience. However, its development has been restricted for … [Read more]