Webinar 4 – Shaping electron wavepackets with light; Shaping light with electron wavepackets / Ido Kaminer, Technion (Israel)



The fourth Q-SORT Interdisciplinary Training Webinar touches upon the following topics:

– Electron and photon beam shaping

– Electron-light interaction

– Light-electron interaction with shaped beam

– Coherent Brehmstrahlung, Cherenkov and transition radiation

– Plasmon and PINEM (photon-induced … [Read more]

Webinar 3 – Programmable phase plates for electrons / Johan Verbeeck, University of Antwerp (Belgium)



The Q-SORT third Interdisciplinary Training Webinar touches upon the following topics:
– spatial light modulators
– coherent phased arrays
– vortex waves / vortex beams
– electrostatic and magnetostatic electron lenses
– programmable electron phase plates
– quantum coherence… [Read more]

Webinar 2 – Low-damage multi-pass electron microscopy / Mark Kasevich, Stanford University (USA)



The second Q-SORT Interdisciplinary Training Webinar touches upon the following topics:
– low-dose imaging in electron microscopy
– multi-pass TEM
– live-cell electron microscopy
– phase-contrast electron microscopy
– quantum coherence
– entanglement of electrons
– quantum electron … [Read more]