Elisa Molinari is full Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Director of ‘MaX – Materials at the exascale’, the European Center of Excellence for HPC applications in the materials domain (www.max-centre.eu). … [Read more]
Moumita Ghosh

Dr. Moumita Ghosh
Currently, she is working as a Research Scientist in the Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven, Netherlands. She has post-doctoral research experiences from Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht, Netherlands and Institute of Physics, University of Göttingen, … [Read more]
Tatiana Latychevskaia
Q-SORT Women in Science Series Lectures

Tatiana Latychevskaia studied physics at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia, where after finishing her diploma she was employed as a teaching assistantat the Department of Theoretical Physics, teaching classes in classical … [Read more]
Nahid Talebi
Q-SORT Women in Science Series Lectures

Nahid Talebi is a group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Her research focuses on investigating near-field-enhanced electron-photon interactions using slow and fast electron microscopes. Her main interests … [Read more]