On 26 September 2019 Q-SORT will open the doors of its labs at the CNR-NANO in Modena. This will be part of the “Emilia Romagna Open” event, promoted by the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy and of the EIC Future … [Read more]
Q-SORT at MCM 2019 – 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy
Plenary speaker: Vincenzo Grillo, Istituto di Nanoscienze, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
The FET Open project Q-SORT is working on developing a new generation of electron microscopes: so-called “Quantum Sorters”, able to probe delicate specimens with extremely low sample damage. The potential benefits of … [Read more]
Q-SORT, OpenAire Advance and CERN to stream a webinar on Open Science
Webinar: Making Open Science for You
2 July 2019, h. 16:30 – 17:15 CET
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/quantumsorter/
This is a Q-SORT outreach event in collaboration with CERN , Zenodo and OpenAIRE Advance.
Q-SORT is delighted to announce a collaboration
Does God Play Dice? A user friendly talk with Q&A by Miles Padgett
Professor Miles Padgett, Professor of Optics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Glasgow will be the speaker at the Science Bash organised by the Q-SORT Project.
The Science Bash will be held at the Heinrich-Schliemann … [Read more]
Q-SORT to broadcast five new webinars
The second Q-SORT Webinar Series will be broadcasted during the Q-SORT 2019 International Conference on Quantum Imaging and Electron Beam Shaping via Facebook Live streaming from the Q-SORT Facebook page.
These are part of a series of interdisciplinary … [Read more]
Q-SORT Women in Science: interview with Nahid Talebi
Interview with Dr. Nahid Talebi, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Why are there fewer women than men in science? Women are under-represented in scientific research, being only a third of researchers
Twisting whirlpools of electrons
A video description of the study. Credit: F. Carbone/EPFL Usage restrictions: Media purposes only. Commercial usage restricted; by permission only.
In Jules Verne’s famous classic Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, the iconic submarine Nautilus disappears into the Moskenstraumen, … [Read more]
The figures below represent respectively (Fig. 1) the recent image of a black hole, which since yesterday has been going around the world and, (Fig. 2) the intensity on the screen of an electron vortex beam.
Fig 1. The … [Read more]
Breakthrough discovery in astronomy: EC press conference
Working together with partners around the world can lead to achieving the unthinkable and moving the horizons of our knowledge.
Today we announce the grand-breaking astronomy results, of the Event Horizon Telescope project ?, part EU-funded through Blackholecam and … [Read more]
Q-SORT Women in Science Lecture Series
Although the number of women pursuing careers in science has increased modestly over the last two decades, the National Science Foundation reports that only 28 percent of the workforce in science and engineering fields in 2015 were female.